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Harry Shearer deja elenco de Los Simpsons

El actor y comediante, Harry Shearer, dejará el elenco de la serie de televisión The Simpsons, tras 25 temporadas de haber dado vida a algunos de los personajes más memorables de la serie como: Monty Burns, Smithers, el Reverendo Alegría, Kent Brockman y Otto el chofer.

from James L. Brooks' lawyer: "show will go on, Harry will not be part of it, wish him the best.". (1/2)

— Harry Shearer (@theharryshearer) Mayo 14, 2015

This because I wanted what we've always had: the freedom to do other work. Of course, I wish him the very best. (2/2)

— Harry Shearer (@theharryshearer) Mayo 14, 2015

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